On mirrors there are different views in the world of feng shui. Some authors use them indiscriminately to solve different problems, calling them their critics with the term "aspirin object", unlike other authors, demystify almost any use of this object with reference to feng shui. In a middle stance we should find its accurate importance.
The mirror has very evident properties in an environment such as creating a virtual space or reflect light. The interior designers are well aware of its effectiveness in eliminating columns, increase a small space or amplify its illumination. If we believe that these applications are not useful for feng shui we are decoupling an evident functionality in reference to space, a key part in the study of this art. We must also remember for some practitioners of traditional feng shui, the existence of references on the interaction of these objects with a map of flying stars or Xuan Kong. Therefore, it makes sense to speak of the mirrors as one more element in feng shui.
Here are some general criteria about these objects, and so the reader can judge from his own perspective.
In interior mirrors one tries to avoid reflecting figures, paintings or information with a bad feng shui since we would amplify their "virtual" presence within the space. The sensible thing in this situation is to remove objects with bad feng shui, but when the reflected is a fire, problematic stairs, a conflictive corner or other similar elements one would have to eliminate or change the mirror from this site.
It is not advisable to use broken or distorted mirrors. Nor are suggested bevelled mirrors, like those that incorporate lines on the surface that produce cuts or duplication on the images. The old superstition that breaking a mirror brings bad luck is because some believed that there is a distortion of energy that causes a broken or bruised surface. To avoid the 7 years of bad luck you do not have to call no witch, you just have to change the broken mirror with a new one.
Mirrors with gray or dark stains are not recommended for "inside" because they resemble dark and gloomy doors, giving a diffuse ambient to the environment. Mirrors can be used to enlarge hallways or also to amplify images with good Feng Shui, as certain paintings, sculptures and landscapes. If you use mirrors to look at yourself or to tidy yourself up try to have a comfortable vision where you do not have to stand on something or bend down to look at you or get distorted by surface imperfections.
The very old mirrors are not the best choice, especially if they have belonged to places or people who did not have good feng shui. Some esoteric traditions invested the mirror with certain properties to capture or store information.
Do not have mirrors in front of your front door, because the sensation is that of projecting the incoming Qi to its place of origin. Neither are they desirable when they reflect directly the bed because it is as if you were permanently unprotected in a draught (window) and sleep requires an orderly and peaceful energy.Although there may be different opinions, a mirror when creating depth moves further away the sense of stability, important property for the sleep. Try walking on a surface like this, and you will feel like falling to the empty. If this feeling is very remarked or ostentatious in a bedroom we can speak of less stability.

Note the sharp triangular structure that straightens up menacing on its around, it is the imposing Bank of China located in Hong Kong. Many local business people as well as the governor himself sought advice from feng shui experts to reduce the strong presence of this building in their own constructions. A controversial and interesting building at the same time, designed by architect I.M.Pei.
Some schools use them to reject aggressive environmental influences, though it should be explained or weighed towards what the energy is projected. In this sense some teachers disadvise against their use.
What happens when a type of Qi is unpleasant and we put our intention to divert it to any other site through a mirror? Regardless of the true value of this practice it is better to seek responsible solutions in managing energy and mental intention, since the Chi follows thought, and there is an old and good advice saying "Treat others the way you like to be treated ... "
As to certain virtues of "refusal" attributed to mirrors, we must be prudent when used as remedies for influences caused by electromagnetism, mobile antennas, electric fields, as well as other attacks that penetrate through the mass of reflective glass. Use as always, a dose of common sense.
If you want more information for a parallel, rather esoteric character in relation to the mirrors, read the sixth chapterof the sixth work: "The inner fire" of the author Carlos Castaneda. Editorial. Gaia. You will find curious relations on the flow of water, depth and mirror as a window.