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feng shui natural


East Temple

If you are looking for a new house or apartment and want to know some feng shui advices, here are some counsels or elemental tips based on affordability issues and common sense.


At first place you have to observe and look at the structure in its external and internal form checking that it is not too irregular or complex. This "irregularity" extends to structures that are difficult, aggressive, multi-level or emanate a vague or chaotic pattern that can be difficult for a quiet family life. An apartment or house with a pattern that is harmonic, intelligent, predictable and practical initially is more desirable than a structure that is very irregular or disorganized.

You should avoid large unused spaces, unventilated rooms, poor lighting, excess of aggressive corners or doors that are facing, long corridors with many doors in line, disproportionate excess of bathrooms, very steep stairs in front of the door, or design elements that have no a practical function to live with true comfort.


The area where the house or apartment stands must have a calm energy and inspire normalitiy. It should not be a place full of noise and disturbance, nor a dead and soulless place. It is not recommended the proximity of places with too much (Yin) energy like cemeteries, morgues, funeral homes, stagnant water or dilapidated buildings, nor places too (Yang) like clubs, police stations, emergency rooms, abattoirs, airports, railways or noisy areas. (See more about Yin and Yang)


You have to ask the people who live in the neighbourhood or connoisseurs of the house or land you will acquire, the history of the place, which is nothing more than a compilation of facts that occured at the time in that place. In feng shui it is positive and advisable to ensure that it has not been a space "recurring" in misfortune, accidents, sickness, thefts or other complication. Although the existence of a negative history of the site can be changed through a new feng shui, if you are not in disposition to make big changes, it is preferable to opt for an environment with fewer obstacles.

When a difficult history of the place is also related to congenital problems of the subsoil it is hard and committed to change the energy or Qi, here we refer to problematic underground watercourse particular to the land, ancient cemeteries of soil, historic sites related to human suffering, etc.


It is necessary to observe with caution the sites with large declines or slopes, cliffs, arid and very windy zones.Take into account the proximity of streams or underground water veins, power lines, transformers, etc.. In these cases it may be necessary a professional measurement (see electromegnetic contamination).

It is also not advisable the proximity of polluting industries, chimneys, large antennas or elements that are clearly discordant with the natural environment.


Buildings should have some protection and cover. Houses or buildings with its back totally discovered are not favourable; without near elements offering protection like a mountain, other buildings, or simply vegetation. It would be something like working in a backless chair or sleeping with the head unprotected. It is also not favourable that the front has major obstacles to eliminate the "incoming" flow of energy. So garbage in front, trees that block the entrance, imposing buildings that overwhelm us or aggressive or threatening objects are no advisable for a facade. As for the sides it is suggest some protection or cover, avoiding very tall buildings that give the feeling of oppression or that are unbalanced. (See the theory of the 5 animals) to expand on this point.


The streets should be normal and peaceful, without pointing directly towards the entrance. The houses with doors in the corner, that give the impression that the vehicles go straight towards it, result to be in constant aggression. Streets with a V or T form are avoided. Both, facades on which points a V or those where the column of the T-shape points to, receive a constant aggression.Convex shapes pointing to the entrance are also in general not advisable, such as the curve of a highway, bridge or a building.


One should look for a neighborhood with noble characteristics, such as cleanliness, order and harmony among neighbors. It is always grateful whenever possible the existence of green spaces and in definite to notice that the environment results friendly to us.


In a traditional feng shui study a broader set of variables has to be verified. The orientations of the housing have to be meticulously observed taking into account the facade or the front of the building and also determine the time or period of construction, "Birth of the house." With these basic data and in conjunction with the forms that surround the area that are under analysis, a geomantic card is prepared that allows to see the evolution in time of the energy patterns, as the space changes its read-through over the years, as would any form or living being.

It also can be analyzed the most suitable moment for alterations, changes or moving, and a set of details that arise from experience. It is advisable, to observe also the existence of groundwater flow and other geological problems such as the possible electromagnetic contamination and the quality of the materials.

Finally, it is necessary to emphatize that although it is very important not to rush when choosing a place to live many years, comparing with tranquility the various possibilities, it also is not correct to get obsessed or fanatic looking for the "perfect" search because there are generally no perfect sites in their entirety . Everything is in constant change and movement.

Utilize the principles that give you more sense, making an intelligent use of the information and when in doubt, seek the guidance of a professional and good feng shui consultant, for the readings that require a specialized knowledge.

Landscape chinese
Feng Shui in China

Pekin, Nanjing, Shanghai and Hong Kong

Accompanied by Natividad Pérez Domingo and Silvestre Pérez.
Does include translation, visits, recreational activities, hotels, etc.
